Am I wrong?

Basically, me and my boyfriend were playing games to relax. We play almost every day together and since we are both very competitive we both swear and "trash talk" each other. It was all fun and games till today I said I hated him while playing. He said I seemed too sincere. Now yes, if this was the first time I've said it and if he never said it to me, I'd say it's absolutely my fault. It still is, but I'd never say it if I knew it'd hurt him. It's something we say all the time while playing, both knowing it's not serious. The only difference now is that I sounded too serious. I tried explaining that I'm sorry and that I thought it was okay because we always talk like that and I'm sorry if I hurt his feelings but I didn't think it'd be a problem since we always say stuff like that when playing. Now he's ignoring me completely and I'm not quite sure what to do.... Not to mention I spent asking him what's wrong for exactly 10 mins before he decided to tell me.

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