So here is the tea. I got a new manager at my job. We will call him Bryce. I thought he was cute. But I wanted to know if the other girls at my job were looking at him too so I asked around. One of the girls told me that Bryce was the boyfriend of Jason's(my friend) ex: Bethany(toxic ex). So I really didnt care that he was Bethany's new boyfriend, I was just like damn he got a girlfriend. But... I was still being way too friendly with him. Even though I know the info I was told and I feel like he is being too friendly as well. No flirting has happened but I don't want it to lead there. He comes and talks to me and he asks how I am and if I need anything. I'm not like that with other managers. So I dont know if he is just being nice and it's all in my head, or he is interested in me.


Read your messages and I will leave him alone. He was just being nice and it was in my head. But it doesnt matter because I dont want to be a homewrecker of a relationship.

UPDATE 2020**

It turns out that he was flirting with me and wanted to hookup but he didn’t know if I was interested. Irrelevant now since he went back into the military stationed in Georgia. Oh well.