lmk what you think...

SO my period came 12 days early, was pretty heavy the first day- both VERY unusual for me. my boobs were more sore than normal. and today at work I suddenly felt EXTREMELY nauseous and almost threw up and had to leave early. very odd considering I haven’t thrown up since I was very little. i’m 20 now. anyway i’ve read about implantation bleeding and all that. I had sex two weeks ago. so basically what i’m trying to say is i’m not sure if It’s my period that I have or maybe something else related to pregnancy. also I know people who have actually had their period WHILE pregnant which led to them not knowing they were pregnant... my mind is just racing. and before anyone hates, i’m responsible and i’d be okay if I was pregnant i’m just curious to know what you guys think!! thanks for reading and/or voting:)

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