Pregnant at 17- partner issues!😣 HIS REACTION

I’ve just recently found out i’m pregnant, and wanted to give a quick background! I was with my now ex boyfriend for two years. He cheated on me when he was on holiday (last year). We obviously broke up but he continued seeing this girl. However, they would be on and off and for this year of 2019 me and him have also been on and off with seeing each other. A few months ago he said he loved and missed me and wanted to try things with me again. We obviously slept with each other over this period of time.

But, out of the blue, for the maybe 4th time he just said he’s not over the last girl and doesn’t want to see me anymore.

Devastated again, i just got on with it until recently I found out i was pregnant.

I told him as soon as i found out and he reacted horribly, asked me to show proof, asked me to do one in front of him. Also, gave his opinion on terminating the pregnancy, which i do understand as we are very young. The way he is being just isn’t him?! Otherwise i wouldn’t of dated a man like this in the first place

I then got hyperemesis gravidarum the day after (severe vomiting) and was in hospital overnight so i eventually had to tell my parents. They are very supportive and giving me time to think about my options.

I told my ex partner I was in hospital, no care, and just is asking me what i’m doing with the pregnancy (i’m 7 weeks). He messaged me so horribly i always reply politely and say i just need some time.

Thinking about it, I do feel more towards going through with the pregnancy, so i told him this an then this was his REACTION?!


I don’t know if i’m making excuses for him but i think maybe he is just scared from acting this way, he hasn’t told his parents.

And as brutal as they are even though he has said these in a nasty way they are the truthful facts about our situation.

I just have NO IDEA what i have done to him for him to be like this with me? i don’t know what to do or how to act with him continuing forward😧

ALSO: he has told me he won’t tell his parents because he’s assuming i’m aborting.

Also told his girl, so she clearly doesn’t mind?! Which i find strange