Occasionally aggressive dog 😓


I have a 4 month old baby. I have a 5 year old dachshund/beagle mix from a troubled home, my husband adopted him before I knew him when the dog was maybe a year old.

- husband adopts dog from home he was being hit by children at

- Husband disciplines the dog as he has any dog growing up, a firm slap when he does something wrong, or grabbing his collar and removing him/showing him what he did wrong. Not defending this but that’s how he thought a dog was to be disciplined. The dog resents this and eventually bites him so hard my husbands hand is very bloodied. I did not know my husband yet. Husband was scared of the dog after this event but respects that Marley doesn't want to be hit.

- Dog is never properly trained, did not go to many of his puppy training classes, does not listen to my husband.

- Post me moving in: one day dog plants his ass in the corner of the yard in wintertime in the snow. I'm late for work and desperate to get him inside. He ignores my yells. I am shouting at him “COME! Come on! Go inside!” and I approach him to pick him up which is the only way my husband is able to get him inside if he does this (dog is beagle sized so it’s awkward but reasonable to lift him), because the dog doesn't listen. Dog instead loses it and bites the shit out of my leg and tears through TWO layers of clothing. Draws blood and I still have an obvious scar. I kicked him away crying and he bit at me once or twice more.

- Dog occasionally snarls at one of the cats when she tried to join in cuddles

- Dog occasionally snarls at this same cat when she tries to drink water when he is near the bowls

- Dog play fights with the other cat, and starts shit with the first cat and many times the cats have had enough and hurt him in defense, then he snarls and snaps at them

- Dog escaped the gate in our backyard over Memorial Day weekend when my husband and my families were over. As the dog does not listen my father in law ran out to grab the dog before he launched himself into traffic (we live on a busy road) and was bitten trying to pick him up. No blood drawn.

- A few weeks ago the dog got a hold of a Hershey's kiss. I said NO and tried to get it from him. He snarled and snapped at me and I panicked and ran to hide on the front porch, closing him inside the house.

- yesterday I got home from my parents house after they babysat. My baby’s blankie smells like their house and dog. Our dog stuck his face into the carrier forcefully, and I tried to push him back and pull the carrier away from him, but he just shoved in further. My husband gently grabbed the dog and I pulled the carrier away and the dog freaked out snarling and snapping at my husband.

This is a big problem. I am very uncomfortable with this dog being around my son. I feel unsafe around the dog because he has injured me before and scarred me. I have been impatient with the pets lately due to exhaustion and I’ve fought about that with my husband, plus my husband LOVES his dog and I dislike the dog/am scared of him so it’s been a lasting point of contention for us.

I want the dog gone. I want to rehome him. I feel like it’s pretty reasonable for me to want this now with our baby, since the dog got to CONTINUE living with us after biting several people and I have done my best for coexist with the animal thus far. I was worried about this when I was pregnant and I came up with all sorts of solutions, maybe gating the dog away from the baby or kenneling him or doing a shock collar or getting expensive training and my husband was so meh about all these ideas! Now baby is here and the dog rules the place still. I have been firm on “never leave the dog and baby alone” “don’t let them interact” and now we live where the dog gets run of the house and my baby is right there in his bouncer. And my husband lets the dog come up to the baby and lick his feet or lets him sit next to them on the couch when he’s holding the baby and I’m sorry but one of the reasons I’m wary about my husband babysitting the baby alone is because he wants the dog to interact with the baby and thinks it’s cute. The dog is clearly just jealous because every time my husband plays with the baby the dog has to come up and jump on my husband, or if the two are sitting on the couch the dog tries to shove his way in. My husband says that he just wants to be part of the love, but I don’t trust the dog that close to the baby after what he’s done in the past.

In an attempt to express how much the dog makes me uncomfortable and restricts our living freedom (since he’s not trained nor will my husband gate him) I told my husband that from now on if the baby is going to be in the same room as the dog I have to be there too. And that they will never interact, and he said that’s a little unreasonable. But because he and his grandma and parents love this dog so much I feel like the enemy! I need my husband to make the decision to rehome him. He said he would consult a vet for answers soon. Now that the latest aggressive action is fading in his recent memory, my husband seems less worried. I asked “will you call the vet on Monday?” And he says “I guess if you want me too”. I am going to ask my pediatrician and god I just hope she says “this is dangerous, rehome the animal”.

I am just so lost here. I hate this dog, it’s hurt me and it does what it pleases and I feel unsafe around it. My husband has done this animal a huge disservice not training it and allowing it to think biting is acceptable. Most of the time the dog is fine but I will NOT allow a first time of it hurting my son to happen. It’s super random when it bites (every other month to a half year) and between the aggressive outbursts and mild jealous issues (like snapping at cats wanting to join in cuddling and borderline attacking me for trying to get chocolate away from him) I do not want my son to have anything to do with him. The dog needs an old lady to love him and give him the solitary attention and gentleness he craves.

How do I get rid of this dog!!! My husband has made mistake after mistake with the dog and now I am unwilling to let the next mistake potentially injure or kill my son. My husband realizes this and is worried too, also regretful of how he has handled the dog in the past and blames himself, but it is very hard for him because he loves animals and cares about the dog and is against st rehoming animals unless there is a REALLY GOOD reason to. How do I firmly push my husband to rehome the dog? Since obviously my past suggestions fell on deaf ears. How can I describe this properly to the pediatrician to get across the level of urgency and unacceptable-ness? I’m not being unreasonable here after being injured and the dog is showing continuous signs of aggression, even online reasons for rehoming a dog state that if the dog feels any way but adoration for the child it needs to go, especially if it hasn’t been properly trained and has aggressive tendencies. Even loving family dogs have killed or disfigured babies and children WITHOUT having previously shown signs. I am tired of living with an animal that scares me and one I feel i need to watch constantly to keep it away from my baby.

My husband is now suggesting buying gates for our new house (moving in September) which means he isn’t even considering rehoming anymore. I took it a step further and suggested making the attached heated garage a living space for the dog for some of the time and he hates the idea. And of course all ideas severely restrict us AND the dog. Why can’t my husband see that the best thing for all of us is for the dog to go to someone who will care properly for him? The grandma who loves the dog has health problems, and his parents who love him have two dogs already and don’t have room.

Oh, one last thing: I’m sure I’ll get hit with undue disgust from doggo-pupper-worshipers but if you feel this way BE MY GUEST to come drive up to Wisconsin and adopt this damn dog. If you can’t say something productive, and you’re not offering to adopt him, then please keep it to yourself.