
So my periods have been crazy for a while now. Last month AF started on the 22nd. This month still nothing so far and glow even went a few days later from where I've been tracking them on here and I guess it's like realized hey this girls shits crazy let's give her a few days (cuz that's in the norm for me) well glow had me starting a couple days ago which I legit thought was accurate because I even started cramping that night and I just knew I was gonna start. I'm not actively trying at all. Not preventing it but definitely not trying. Past few days my body has been crazy. I have a super slow digestive system and I go a week or two without doing #2 (tmi) but now im going after every meal and super freqkinf nauseas after I eat or even after smoking a cig. I tested 2-3 days ago and nothing. BFN. Should I just wait it out or should I test again?