How to Help a 2 year old with Separation Anxiety?

Treasure • Mother to Greyson 💙Aug 2 17 and Gabriel 10 26 19 💙

My son, Greyson, will be 2 years old this weekend. I think he's going through separation anxiety but I'm not sure. We stay the weekends with my So, his dad, and grandparents. For the past few weeks Greyson will get really upset if I leave the room for any reason and doesn't want to stay with anyone even for a few minutes while I'm in another room. When I am in the room he wants me to stay sitting down on the floor playing toys with him. He has been getting really upset, throwing fits and yelling really loud if he doesn't get his way.

I've been trying stop what I'm doing and get his attention to talk to him to calm him down and explain what's going on and what we're going to do. But his dad will get right beside him and yell really loud and sometimes threaten to spank him to give him something to cry about but Greyson lives with me and my grandparents and we don't spank or yell at him. We just try to calm him down and talk. I feel like he gets yelled at for every little noise he makes if he isn't feeling good or whatever and I don't want him to be afraid or feel like he's just going to be yelled at the whole time we're there. When his dad starts yelling I feel like I'm done I'm ready to take Greyson and leave. I've tried talking to him about it and I keep snapping on him every time he yells at him.

His dad and grandparents think he acts this way because he's spoiled and that he's walking all over me. I just want to know how to help him through this so it gets better and find a way to make all the yelling stop.