seriously going to cry

Im currently 7 days late, 8 months pp and have two kids. I do not want to have anymore so when me and my husband do it we always use protection. Im not on bc because it makes me crazy and my hormones get all messed up. We have not done anything with out a condom this month or ever. Is they any way I could be pregnant?!?! I am very stressed trying to get our house cleaned up, sell things, my oldest bday party and her starting preschool all within the next couple weeks. Also the past 3 weeks before my period was due I tried to do an egg diet and ate a ton of eggs. But this past week i have been eatting nonstop and so hungry. Also im breaking out. But no period in site. My period is usually right on time. Also tmi but ive been having a stringy discharge like some other times of the month. Idk what to dooo im freaking out 😭😭😭😭 help me mommas please no rude comments TIA!!!