Why is this happening to me?


I just need to vent as this is very frustrating. Last cycle I had a clear BBT rise, conceived and ended in a chemical. My cycle however wasn’t “normal”, cm wasn’t strong/hormones felt like they were all over the place, etc. My temps were very low (under 96.9) and rose to high 97s. This cycle I feel 100% better. My temps have been hovering 97.25, had text book CM and ovulation symptoms (bloating/perfect skin/backache/cramping) and then followed by gas/constipation. So I forsure was confident I ovulated. I never had a text book cycle like this, I feel amazing. Anyways, my stupid BBT never rose and now it’s confusing me more than anything. I have a progesterone test tomorrow (CD21) but I don’t get why I would gear up, have all perfect symptoms and then not release anything. 😭😭