Light period two months in a row


Hey everyone! I need some help! I miscarried our momo twins at 12 weeks on May 4th. I had a normal period that month. June I had a very light period spotting for two days, bled for one and then spotting for two more. This month I began spotting yesterday very lightly and only when I wiped. Today is pretty much the same thing. The color is not my normal either. It’s very dark, like last day of period spotting color. I had clockwork periods before, 4-5 days on a 30 day cycle. I’ve been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> too and my opks say I ovulate when glow says I’m supposed to. I started taking blood thinners because I found out I have the MTHFR mutation after my miscarriage. Any insight would help! Thank you in advance! 🙏🙏💞💞