Help!! Scared!!

I have been on birth control for about 2 years or so. I take my pills on time within maybe 30minutes of my directed time (9:45pm). on saturday (the 27th) my bf and i were having sex and the condom broke. he came inside of me but i came before he did though so i’m not sure if that makes a difference or not regarding what i’m going to state next, i have been having some weird cramping since saturday after we were done and i read that it could be from the orgasm but i’m just scared. the majority of his cum was on my bed but some did come out of me (sorry tmi) but i’m just really scared that i could be pregnant but everyone else is telling me not to worry but i feel like when you want a child it’s hard to get pregnant but when you don’t want one that’s when it happens. So someone please help and give me advice, when could it be possible to take a pregnancy test to help make me calm

down some? Also, how soon would i even start feeling any sort of symptoms of pregnancy or conception? am i just over exaggerating or should i be fine. My birthday is friday and all i can do is think about the different possibilities that could happen. i talked with a lady from planned parenthood and she told me i am fine but there still is that 1/10 percent that it could happen to. i also have a <a href="">period tracker</a> app that tells me when i’m most i guess “fertile” even though being on birth control avoids that and on the 27th it said that was a day i was most fertile and i’m afraid that for some odd reason i did release an egg and could get pregnant. i have severe anxiety and worry about everything and i just don’t want to be pregnant. can someone please help and talk to me, what should i do or how should i help myself?