Why are people such assholes ?!


I was just at the post office in my town and the cashier guy looked at me and said “wow you look sick”. I said “no I’m tired and 8 months pregnant in July in the south”. And didn’t really reply. I left and a man walked out behind me (another customer ) a few minutes later (I was still sitting in my car kinda mad that guy said that to me) and asked me if that guy had really just asked me if I was sick and I said yeah. He said well I just chewed his ass out for talking to you that way and spoke with his manager. He said “I told him, what you couldn’t tell she was pregnant?!” He told me his response was “I just thought she was chunky” 😡 WTF?! Why do complete strangers feel they can say whatever the F they want to say to you? And why would you ever say that to any woman in general pregnant or not? I’m super pissed off but it’s also so hurtful to know a people are saying out loud behind your back the worst things/ insecurities you have about yourself. Screw that post office guy. The real hero is the stranger who stood up for me even when I wasn’t around!