
not baby related ~

yesterday was my 25th birthday and I was at work for most of the day and my bf works 2nd shift. I called him a few times on my breaks and we spoke but he never told me happy birthday. eventually he left a message on my fb wall... well, usually on special days he would leave a cute note, flowers and/or chocolates. I got excited because maybe he left a surprise for me at home and when I got home, nothing. I was so disappointed... I didnt have anything to make a cake with so I grabbed a pudding cup & put a candle in it and sang happy birthday to myself... I cried so hard. then I tell myself, maybe he'll say something when he gets home and nothing.... I was in bed when I told him, did you know today is my birthday ? and he said yeah... i wrote on your fb wall...

we've been together for 7 years on aug 4. I know he doesnt have to spend money on me every time it's my birthday. All I ask for is some effort. I would have been over the moon, if he had left me a cute note. needless to say ladies, how would you react if your man did this ?