Am I A Bad Person For Wanting to Leave My Marriage?

I know this seems like a cut and dry question for most people, but I guess sometimes it’s good to hear different perspectives?

My husband and I have been together since I was 15, we met when he was a senior in high school. Ultimately, we married after I turned 17 and have been married since (it will be 4 years this year.).

Most of my friends and family hate my husband, for things he has said and done to me in the past. Along with this, I’m told often that I’m too forgiving. However, I know I’m not a perfect person either. I have my own issues and I’m sure I wasn’t the perfect wife.

Regardless of the faults we have both committed in our relationship, I still don’t want to stay. At the same time, however, I’m terrified that I’ll never meet someone else good for me who’s willing to put up with me. My husband is the only serious relationship I’ve ever been in (like I mentioned, we met when I was freshly 15).

My husband and his family have repeatedly told me that by not “fighting” for my marriage I am not a good person. And that I should see what I have and what I’m going to lose. I just want to know that I’m not horrible just for wanting to move on with my life..

Sorry for the long rant 😅 Just been a stressful bit of time. Thanks for any responses.