Scheduled C-Section at 36 weeks???


Due to complications I could possibly have my baby at 36 weeks. This will be my 3rd C-Section and the last one the wall of my uterus almost ruptured at the previous scar.

The doctors do not want me to actually go into labor because if this.

I had premie twins the first time and do not want to go through that again.

The doctor said they would monitor me closely and I could possibly go to 37 or 38 weeks but not promising anything.

I totally understand the science behind this. But in my heart I do not want to put this new baby through being born so early.

Any advice? Anyone have a baby at 36 weeks? How bad was it? Any delays or medical emergencies? Was the baby in the NICU? Can you breastfeed that early?

I honestly don't know what to expect. My twins were born at 29 weeks and I couldn't even hold them for a week or more.