I switched to formula...

Today, I finally made the gut wrenching decision to switch to formula. I’ve been fighting this for a while. My little guy is 7 weeks and has never been content. He is always crying between feedings and is never content in any swing/chair/cushion/baby carrier/stroller. He also cries even when I hold him. He was only ever quiet when he was on my boobs. Always.on.the.boobs.

Today, he was FINALLY content. He drank 4oz of formula and gave a big smile!! He hung out in his bouncy chair and even took a pacifier.

I know this switch will make baby happier, mom happier and big sister happier.

I understand the concepts of growth spurts and cluster feeding but this is still our best option to keep us all sane!

A fed baby is a happy baby. Don’t feel guilty if you choose to switch to formula too!