Bacterial Vaginosis

Has anyone had BV (bacterial Vaginosis) I’ve had it 4 times in the last 6 months, ever since I was on the nuva ring (I got a ton of yeast infections from the ring, after I stoped I started getting BV) I have another appointment next week for yet again another test and another round of medication.

Please help me! They keep prescribing the same oral medication and it keeps coming right back after I finish the prescription.

I need relief! Also wanted to start trying for another baby by the end of the year/ beginning of next year, and I can’t have this while trying to conceive or while pregnant.

This is extremely embarrassing for me, so please, no rude comments. I’m not dirty and I also have 1 sexual partner (10 years), it’s likely from the nuvaring throwing off my PH levels.