I dont know how

My relationship is going to end up. We have 2 kids together. We get on amazingly. We've been together going on 5 years. We've been engaged for 4 and he still isn't ready for marriage. I'm deciding if I should move on or just keep waiting -sigh-. It honestly just hurts. It makes me think I'm not good enough or something. He says its not that. He just has personal issues and just wants to be in it 100 % when we get married. He says he wants to be with me just doesn't really get the marriage thing. Its just always been my dream since I was a little girl. I love him so much but my heart still longs for me to be married to him and I think about it every damn day. I'd get over the whole thing if I could. I also have fears of starting over because I look disgusting after 2 kids. I mean who would even want me.