Jace Colton💙💙👣

yasmin • Baby boy 07/30/19💙👣 Baby 2 due 04/23/22 ❤️🤰

My baby boy is finally here!!💙😇

On July 30th we (my mom, boyfriend, and I) went in for my induction scheduled at 4 am. I was 39 weeks exactly. We needed to get him out bc he was cutting off circulation in my leg. When we went in I was 2-3 dilated. First they gave me Cytocec to soften my cervix. Then we had to wait 4 hrs. At 830 They started Pitocin. That all felt like period cramps. A couple hrs later I was 4. They broke my water. Lemme tell u shit got real! Nearly right after my water broke I started having back to back contractions. They were the worst thing I've ever experienced. My entire body shook and I had to put on a mask bc it was making it difficult to breathe. I asked for an epidural but that was going to take at least an hr. So they gave me an IV drug (I forget what exactly) to help. It didn't make it less painful per say just made me not care about the pain as much. It made me loopy and drowsy. The nurse said it would make me feel drunk!😂 That helped. Still felt it. Still had to focus n breathe through each one. Finally they came in to do my epidural. I was so out if it I had to have 2 ppl hold me so I wouldn't fall over. It didn't hurt that bad. I thought that it was gonna be worse fr. After that was set I fell asleep. It took 10 hrs to get to 5 (which was basically when I got the epidural) and only an hr yo get to 9. I woke up. I had labor shakes. So I would have these uncontrollable shakes basically non stop. I didn't feel any pain tho. After I was checked they started letting me push when I felt it. I pushed for an hr when he was born. Wouldve been even sooner but he did not wanna leave😂 Every time I stopped pushing he would slide back again. Only a small tear. He is 7 lbs 3 oz and perfect with a full head of hair. I'm 18 N a FTM. I never thought I would be here saying how much I love my beautiful boy. I never thought about having kids but now I wouldn't have it any other way.