Should i speak to him about his ex calling & texting?

Ok so my last post was tad bit confusing i guess.

I’m currently dating this guy who has kids from previous relationships. I don’t have kids myself so maybe I’m looking at it from a different perspective. So i need answers!!

I’m kind of bothered because she calls at random times of the night & day. For example, last night she called passed midnight, i think that’s kind of disrespectful .. of course he didn’t answer it because we were together in bed already.. I’ve mentioned it to him before and how i felt, he said he addressed her & told her

not to contact him unless it involves the kids..

I absolutely get they have to have some kind of relationship to co-parent. But calling & texting at midnight is something else.

I honestly feel like she still has some kind of feelings for him because whenever he first mention me to her she said “well when i see that bitch, I’m going to check her”. She’s constantly bringing up my name, which i try to ignore but i can only take so much. I’m trying to be mature enough for him. ( he’s older than me) i don’t want to seem insecure because i do have trust issues and I’m not trying to let that cause issues.

I’ve never been in a relationship with someone who has kids. I get jealous because sometimes i think he still has feelings for her, everyone tells me relationships like this usually end in with them getting back together.. he does do things that catches my eye, like he won’t pick up the phone when she calls when I’m around. He claims he doesn’t just sit around and text her but i looked over one day and he was sending her paragraphs.. when she texts him , i notice he’ll get up and go to the restroom .

Should i put my foot down and tell him how i really feel about her texting and calling at random times of the night.

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