Our birth story: Our IVF Miracle

Crystal • Ectopic 2015 >5 rounds IVF>one beautiful baby boy>one on the way

Maximus made his way into the world on July 18th. Long birth story because miracles do happen. (1 ectopic, and four rounds of

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

, we finally got our baby)

We went to our 39 week check up the 17th and dr just measured him, fluid, and made sure we was head down. Said she would see us “next week”. I hadn’t been having contractions or anything that felt like Braxton Hicks even making her believe we were going to make it past 40 weeks. So we went home took a nap and ordered dinner. 7pm rolls around and I fell like I needed to pee and might have slightly so went to the bathroom. Nothing in my panties but there was some bleeding in the toilet so I called labor and delivery. Every time I’d try to stand up I’d feel another gush. Low and behold my water had broke and I was just having gushes instead of full on breaking. Went to our hospital, still no contractions. After two hrs and testing my fluids to confirm, they admitted me and started me on pritocin; I was only 2cm dilated. The epidural was put in right away due to my medical issues. Epidural was only working on one side of my body so the guy had to keep coming back to give me a shot for the other side. After 12 hrs of labor they had to put fluid back in for max until it was time for him to arrive. We had a few scares where his heart rate wasn’t staying steady and dropping lower then they like to see. I hardly slept; 18hrs later since I could feel the contractions on one side, I knew It had to be time to push because the contractions were so close and I had a shooting pain down my hip that was constant. The dr was trying to wait for the shot to kick in before checking me but I told em I was pretty sure it was time to push.... I tried hands and knees for pushing to relieve pressure in my hip. The nurse assisting didn’t catch on that my left leg was 100% dead and I couldn’t feel it. She didn’t help me turn over and I fell the first time before the other nurse had to remind her I couldn’t feel anything in that side. 😂. An hour later which was my max time unassisted, Maximus arrived weighing 6lbs 12oz and 19.2 inches long. I had a minor tear so stitches went in and placenta was sent for testing since I had a prior ectopic/molar pregnancy.

We’ve had a roller coaster ride with pregnancy, health, and infertility. It took an ectopic pregnancy and 4 rounds of

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

with 6 embies to finally get our little miracle baby. He’s so lover and my husband has been so supportive and taking on his daddy role so well. I couldn’t of picked a better partner to share this life with.

Also for a newborn, this kid roles himself to his sides cause he doesn’t like sleeping on his back and his legs are so strong that he can roll from front to back during tummy time. Even the DRs are surprised by his strength. He’s just so loved.