Don’t Get Attached, she said

So my hubby and I found out we were officially 4 weeks pregnant yesterday after getting a call from the doctor. Of course, we were ecstatic to hear the news, especially since we’ve only been trying for less than 2 months. My hubby wanted to tell a few of his coworkers because he was so excited. Most said congratulations, you know, the usual. But one of his coworkers also added that she miscarried at 20 weeks and told my hubby don’t get attached to our baby in case we lose it. I understand that her intentions were good, but in reality she hurt me so much. I am worried now that I will miscarry and I am hurt that she would tell us not to get emotionally attached. What am I supposed to feel? Am I supposed to feel nothing if I lose our baby? Are we supposed to be like “oh well another one bites the dust” let’s try again! My sister miscarried, but she has never told anyone to not grow a bond with their baby because she could lose it! Maybe it’s the emotions talking but I cried so much after my hubby told me she said that. Not exactly the congrats I was hoping for.