Hiccups, acid reflux, formula - HELP!


My 3 week old baby has bad acid reflux

She is on Enfamil Gentlease to help her with her tummy, she has been throwing up FULL MEALS since she was like a week old. Not every single time, but it still happens too much for my liking. Any advice on the best formula for a reflux baby??? I’d love that!

She ALSO gets the hiccups. Like 8 times. A day. It’s insane. They MAKE her puke. I burp her at least every ounce, if not more. And even when I get AWESOME burps out of her (she’s not a great burper), she STILL gets hiccups.

So I’ve tried gas drops. I’ve tried gripe water. Nothing really helps. How do I solve all these problems? Is there maybe a better formula for her? I don’t like giving her gas drops or gripe water multiple times a day, but if I don’t, she’d be throwing up multiple times a day and not getting any nutrition

And before someone suggests breastmilk- my supply never came in well enough for her, she has a tongue tie and a bad latch + low supply = formula for my baby.