They Tell Me Not To Worry But Now Im Worried 😩


So Last week 7/24 I had my Anatomy scan and everything was told to me to be normal nothing wrong at all , well today I had my regular prenatal visit with my obgyn and the doctor asked me if they told me about my placenta and umbilical cord. So im like no they didn't mention anything. so she says well the umbilical cord is inserted off to the side instead of in the middle and that's called a Velamentous Insertion. Im Just like will baby continue to get the nutrients the same and she says that baby should but that's why they want me to come for growth ultrasound in 3 months and I feel like that's too long to wait after looking up what it can cause on Google 🤦🏽‍♀️ I've been fine this whole pregnancy not worrying or freaking out until now. idek how to tell my SO. has anyon3 had a Velamentous Insertion and everything turned out to be okay in the end for baby??