Talking about TTC #2... Advice

MyLittleButtercup • Mama. Wife. Teacher. My girl is 4 and my little miracle dude is 2. It’s been a wild ride! 🎉🤷🏼‍♀️

So our baby is about to be 10 months old and we are just starting to talk about TTC #2. I wanted to know when some of you ladies started tracking and stuff.

Also I’m overweight still from my first pregnancy, but we want our babies to be close in age, so we don’t want to wait too long. Not overweight enough to effect my fertility, but I just don’t want to let myself get out of control. We’re thinking to start after the first of the year... like March, so that gives me some time to lose some more weight. If I could even get back down to the weight I started pregnancy at, I’d be okay. My problem is that I was completely sedentary during pregnancy, so when I had my baby I was in sloth mode and I gained so much weight during/after. Even breastfeeding didn’t help me lose or maintain weight because I was so neglectful of my weight management. I am now almost down to the weight I was when I delivered by just eating clean. I plan on getting my big butt up off the couch and exercising too. I’d like to lose the 40 pounds I lost during pregnancy... hopefully more.

So my questions are these... what are yalls tips on pp weight loss? I need inspiration. Stories, pics, tips, tricks, products, anything. I’m just feeling lost.

And when did y’all start tracking and stuff for TTC #2? What did y’all do to prepare for it all?

Thanks y’all! ❤️