Could i be pregnant?

I was supposed to have two periods this month, but I haven’t started my period yet. It’s only two days late, and I’m on the IUD but I get very paranoid sometimes. My breasts feel really tender, heavy, and sore. When I looked at them in the mirror they kind of appeared fuller but idk if this is just because I haven’t been feeling well.. I’ve been very dizzy this last week, sometimes I feel nauseous and I don’t have an appetite and other days I have one.. I am stressing a lot so idk if I’m delaying my own cycle. 😩😩😩 i had been getting the ovulation discharge and cramps for a few weeks. Now I have no discharge and I am cramping, with a headache and sore breasts.. I’m sorry if this is confusing and I am rambling. I am very scared. 😟