My life revolves around trying to conceive

I had a miscarriage 4-9-19 my baby would of been born 10-28-19 .. since the loss of the baby I feel like all I do is think about what could have been. I eat, think, sleep and pray about conceiving again. I use preseed and also been taking prenatal vitamins. I’m confused and feel I don’t know my own body anymore since the miscarriage...I’m currently on cd20 glow says I ovulated on cd14, on cd16 I had light pink cm when I checked my cervix and today cd20 I had it again. Only seen it once when i wiped the other time was when I checked my cervix .. is glow off ? was I just now ovulating and having ovulation spotting or maybe implantation spotting? My period isn’t due for another 17 days. I’ve had headaches the last week and a little nauseous, feel like my mind is playing tricks on me lol .. was I really feeling nauseous maybe I was just over thinking it. My last pregnancy I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was 3 months. I had no symptoms at all.