Unhappy with my body 2 years after my surgery.

(I didn’t know where to post this sorry! 😅)

2 years ago when I was only 15 years old I had a breast reduction surgery because I was filling an H cup. I had the surgery and was the happiest I had ever been in my entire life. I loved myself and loved nearly everything about my body.

But now, I’ve started to become self conscious again. Although they haven’t grown much, my body has gotten smaller bc I lost 40 pounds since I was able to actually work out. They look big on my body, and they sag now even though they haven’t grown. I have scarring on my left nipple after i had a small infection on that side and it left burn-like scars. The scars from the reduction itself never bothered me. They aren’t bad.

But the scars on my nipple and the sagging I have now and even the fact that I no longer have sensation on either breast has destroyed every inch of positivity I had about my body. I worked hard to get it to where I felt most comfortable and to where I loved myself. I know people say to love your body regardless but ever since they began to grow at just 8 years old, it has been my biggest struggle in self love. I’ve even been contemplating a second surgery for when I’m a bit older.

I dont know what to do or how to feel and I don’t know if I will ever be able to look at them and feel content. I just want to be happy with them but it’s so hard to and I don’t know what to do.