6 months and it growing his seat



He’s out growing the car seat 😂... yes I know his clips and crap are not in the proper placement we were in the drs and he was playing with the. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Posted at
My daughter is about to be 7 months and pretty soon we are going to switch her to a convertible carseat


Charity • Aug 1, 2019
It's just not okay 😂


🍎 • Aug 1, 2019
They grow too fast 😂


Posted at
Our youngest turned 6 months on monday and we switched over the weekend to a convertible car seat! 😭


🍎 • Aug 1, 2019
Yes my son isn’t sitting up to well on his own yet I’m thinking it’s bc he always moves his legs lol. I have a shopping cart cover he sits in when he is awake just bc it has a piece that sits them up right but he pulls it off and eats it 😂😂 unfortunately my husbands work stuff stays in my truck like multiple ladders, electrical wires (big spools of it) ect so I don’t have a lot of room unless I move stuff around all the time 😂 so I’m hoping I can wait it out atleast another month until he can sit better


Nicole • Aug 1, 2019
I hear ya. He seems really big for that. Lol that’s how our son looks in his but we have the carrier in the back for when we go to the store and stuff since he isn’t sitting up yet to go in a shopping cart


🍎 • Aug 1, 2019
I’m gonna eventually grab one just trying to wait it out lol bc usually he sleeps in this one when we go grocery shopping


Posted at
He looks tall!


🍎 • Aug 1, 2019
Yes he is extremely tall! He is in 12-18 month clothes and a few 9 months lol


Posted at
Oh my goodness he must be so tall! Im not trying to be rude or shame but wouldn't that be dangerous if you were to get in an accident? And how are his legs not crushed in the car every day😂


🍎 • Aug 1, 2019
He’s well over 2 foot now 😂 I can remember exact inches over (it’s been a long weeks with him being crabby fro teething and shots 😂) but the majority of his clothing is 12-18 months and a hand full of 9 month clothing . The pants pictured are 18 months .


Amy • Aug 1, 2019
Ahh gotcha. How tall is he? 😂


🍎 • Aug 1, 2019
An yes he is extremely tall baby which is funny bc he is all legs so I call him legs often😂