Can someone plz help with how I’m feeling ?

I’m a mother to a 19 month old. I’ve had anxiety my whole life but never ever this bad.

I went on a trip last month with my parents, husband, and son. I was so looking forward to it but it was a disaster. This was our first trip with the baby on an airplane. He was so so so naughty the whole 2 weeks we went away. He wouldn’t eat or sleep well. On top of that my mother would give unnecessary comments about my parenting etc. I got a cold from how stressed I was. I literally did not enjoy one day.

Anyway. Then my husband and I took a one hour trip alone on a train to get a break. I got my first panic attack cuz I felt so claustrophobic on the train and it was going too fast .. every since then (been 1 month, and I’m back home now), I cant stop panicking. I keep remembering how I felt on the train thkinkng it might happen again.

I’m having flashbacks in the car when it’s moving fast. I literally feel depressed bcuz I’m now afraid of trains.