Paranoid ):


I’m 11 weeks and a few days and I have my first ultrasound appointment on Monday and I can’t help but be super nervous and paranoid. I haven’t heard the baby’s heartbeat yet so Monday will be the first time I get to hear it and I can’t help but be scared that there won’t be one. This is my second pregnancy and after giving birth to my son at 24 weeks, this pregnancy I have been struggling to be excited about it... I have so many fears and anxiety that it’s keeping the excitement away. I’ve read online about missed miscarriages (why you may ask I have no idea but I have Researched it) and freaking out that this could happen to me. Mind you, I’ve had no signs of bleeding/spotting/my symptoms are all still VERY present but here I am overthinking and stressing myself out. I don’t get my cervical stitch for another few weeks from now and the injection as well, so just being scared of preterm labor again is also scaring the crap out of me. I don’t know, I think I’m also paranoid about the heartbeat bc my first pregnancy, I had a different doctor and heard the heartbeat around 6-7 weeks and with my new doctor I haven’t heard one yet so that’s the cause of some of my paranoia... sorry for the kinda long post, I just need to get it off my chest before my mind continues to freak myself out 😔😞