Late but negatives tests? Never late

So I normally have a 25 day cycle. I haven't had an irregular cycle since my 20s. I'm now 9 days late. I had some heavy spotting (came one morning thought my period was starting, but then it just vanished a few hours later) 4 days before my period was to start. I've taken a few hpt and gotten negative results. I don't feel any changes in my breasts, but have had very mild cramping off and on. It just seems like AF is about to show up, but doesn't. Idk if I should be worried something else is going on or just wait and take another test soon. I don't know how long to wait or what to expect. We have been trying for over a year and I'm 34. I don't want to go in to the Dr just yet only to be disappointed if I'm not PG. Anyone ever dealt with this or have any suggestions?