Sticky spot. Bad Workplace.


What do you do when you collide with management at your work place? I cant stand my evening manager simply for the fact that she does a shitty job at her role which makes my job a lot harder. Ive tried telling this manager whats not working, and different ways to go about things.( In a polite way.... the first time.) Im about 80% happy in my job, her being the 20% unhappiness factor. My direct supervisor is leaving the company, so my secret hope is that whoever replaces her will weed out the bad tomatoes. ( My evening manager). But in the meantime WHAT DO I DO. My position requires us to communicate and be proffessional.

I am planning on moving in about 9 months out of state.

Do i find a different job?? Do i lay low and despise her quietly?? Today i asked to not be put on her shift, but our shifts overlap by about 5 hours.... So thats basically no help.