When do they decide to commence medical intervention?


Hi guys, I am currently carrying a missed miscarriage. Was scanned on Wednesday, baby measured 11mm (measurement is approx 6w4d, about 1 week less than it should have been) however there was no heart beat.

I am scheduled for another ultrasound on Thursday (8 days after initial scan), partly for my own piece of mind, partly because my GP was a bit dubious about the result. I am not very hopeful as the radiographer seemed quite certain.

My question is: if come Thursday, 1week1day after the fetus was first deemed not viable - if I still haven’t naturally passed it - at what point do they determine I need a pill or a d&c?

I would prefer it occur naturally for peace of mind that it’s definitely not viable, but I would also like for the process to be over and to become fertile ASAP so we can start trying again.

Thanks xx