After EIGHT years I'm finally pregnant!


8 years.

Thousands of OPKs and pregnancy tests.

1 failed <a href="">IUI</a>.

Hundreds of sleepless nights.

1 round of <a href="">IVF</a>.

So many needles and pills.

1 positive test.

I'm still in shock.

Due April 6, 2020.

For anyone interested, my <a href="">IVF</a> timeline:

Started stims July 1.

Egg retrieval July 15.

15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 2 eggs fertilized and 12 eggs frozen.

1 Day 5 blastocyst, grade 5AA

1 Day 6 blastocyst (don't know grade)

Fresh transfer of day 5 blast July 20.

Positive beta August 1.