Bio mom is crazy


So the women has two kids (5 and 3) with two different men, one of which being my fiancé. All the drama started about a year and a half ago. I’m not going to go into the details but long story short she decided she didn’t want to be a mom anymore and gave custody of both girls to their dads (one of which hardly knew her dad and lived in Baltimore, where she preciously lived in Georgia). This added a bunch of stress to the older girl and the younger one (she’s with me and my fiancé) now has such bad separation anxiety. Her bio mom managed to get the custody agreement to say that she doesn’t have to pay child support since her travel expenses are so much but she hasn’t even come down to visit once. Which makes it to where we can’t take her back to court for child support or any changes to the agreement for 2 years. She also hardly calls and really only uses both the girls as pawns to use and manipulate both of their dads. She has now moved from Baltimore to Utah and if it wasn’t for the relationship we have with the other girls dad then we wouldn’t have been told about the move. Both of the girls on their own started calling me and the other dads fiancé mommy and the older one hardly recognizes her as her mom and the younger one only knows her as ‘Sisi’s mom’ and when she see her she screams and is legit afraid.

It’s just frustrating to see someone care so little about their own child and to even make up lies so that she can get pity and support every new place she moves.