No more night time feeding

My 6 month old is finally sleeping through the night. He was waking up every 4 hours to eat. I decided to go cold turkey. Instead of feeding him at 12am and 4am I gave him his pacifier instead and let him fall back asleep on his own. When and if he cries, I gently tell him it’s ok and pat him back to sleep. The first night was tough he kept waking up but I tough it out and didn’t give him a bottle. Second night was a lot easier and last night the 3rd night he slept from 8pm until 6am for the first time without tossing and turning or waking up🙌🏻.

I saw that my son was still feeding every 4 hours because that’s what he was use to doing. Now I give him more calories during day. 6 oz bottles every 4 hours. After each nap he eats baby food and drinks

2 oz of water. Now a have a good sleeper.