Do you agree or disagree?

Moo • British 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 an opinionated ‘96 baby with a university degree in animal behaviour and biology 🎉🥳

So it’s kicking off on my Facebook within the Harry Potter fan group when someone sent in this statement about Tonks and Remus.

The controversy is is that some mothers/women are slamming tonks for leaving her young child to go and fight against Voldemort and that she should have stayed home whilst Remus went to fight.

Others are stating that due to the fact she has a military background and formal training compared to Remus that she should have gone and he should have stayed. And that there were children also risking their lives in the battle. They are also saying that it’s hypocrisy that they aren’t as angry with Molly going as they are with Tonks.

I personally believe that she was correct in going as, if Voldemort had won she would have been on the run with teddy to survive, and wouldn’t have been able to live with herself had he won.

What do you guys think? Do you think it was wrong for her to go and fight for her child’s future and using her formal training in the battle at Hogwarts?