8 days late and still no positive pregnancy test...😔

Today is my 8th day being late I was supposed to have my period On July 27th because I had my cycle on June 27th so I assumed I was supposed to have mine July 27th but he said I was supposed to have it sooner than that and my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> app says I am 8 days late the first week after I try to conceive with my significant other was the 5th of July and the 7th of July which is supposedly I was supposed to be ovulating around that time especially on the 7th of July and those are the only two times in July that we tried to conceive since we don't see each other as often do to work and other activities. the first week after July 7th (July 17) I didn't really feel anything except some lower back pains and some kind of a stabbing feeling in my ovaries a week and a half later the stabbings in my ovaries and my back pain still continued two weeks later I have sore nipples and they were wet to the touch even today my boobs all around now are sore but not a whole lot and they are still a little wet to the touch (the nipples) sometimes. I still haven't gotten my cycle and basically I have no symptoms of hungry all the time or urinating all the time or anything like the past couple of days only 3 days I have felt a little weird in the morning but nothing serious and no throwing up this morning I felt really bad like I wanted to throw up but I had nothing to throw up and I'm pretty sure it could have just been like a sickness out of nowhere I really don't want to get my hopes up saying it's because of pregnancy but all of my test have been negative it is not usual that I don't have a cycle I usually have a cycle every single month they are sometimes irregular but nothing has ever been this far past my cycle cuz now it is August 2nd and I still haven't had a period For July I'm really hoping to get my positive but it's already been 8 days past my period Start date.. has anybody ever gone through this and still have been pregnant and got a positive later on. Also yesterday and today I have felt like I was going to start my cycle but never did I didn't feel any mild cramping or anything like that I just feel like maybe a little weird down there and thought I was about to start but I never did today I just have a little bit of stabbing pain in my ovaries but not as much as I did the first week and a half of July.