Anyone still pregnant???


I am sooo exhausted! 😥 I just want to cry. 40 +3

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41 weeks today and trying to remain sane. We’re so close!


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yes 40+4 today. My mom flew in on the due date but was literally telling a stranger today about how I’ve been sitting a lot and not been very active. Like, I’m tired give me a break. I’m hosting you and dealing with an 18mo old. Keeping everything clean and everyone fed is pretty much my limit theses days. She gave birth 2mo early, she doesn’t understand 😭


Bo • Aug 3, 2019
Hang in there! This is exactly how I felt at 40+4, trying to cope with a 3 year old and 2 year old. It’s nearly impossible.


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40+6 and definitely over it now! Any natural induction tips, i’ve been so active and nothing!


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I’m 40+6


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Me...40 + 3 and still waiting. Ultrasound at 35 weeks showed a 6 pound 10 oz, we are probably definitely over 9 lbs by now. Come on’s time. So ready to meet little guy and stop waddling everywhere.


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Me ! 😭 40 + 5 Starting our induction tomorrow night .


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40+1 today. Was supposed to go to an induction yesterday because baby he measuring 8.8lbs!! (I’ve only gained 9lbs all pregnancy 😬) but still waiting for the hospital to call me wth an available bed. The wait is torturous!! My doctor said he’d be out yesterday!


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40 + 2! Hang in there. We got this! My induction is set for next Friday unless baby decides to come on her own