Help 88 cent Walmart tests


Hello!! So I’m a young married woman and me and husband have been trying for maybe about a year too have a baby. Well I got my period from July 2nd too July 9th. Well on July 26th I noticed some spotting and pinkish blood when I wiped. Me and my husband had been sexually active between the last day of my cycle till then. I have a irregular period so I’m not sure exactly when I ovulate and what the case may be but if you look at the pictures you can see that I’ve gotten lines on most of those test. The problem is they were after the allotted time so I’m not too sure if I should trust them. My husband actually peed on one so I could have a reference just in case it was a evap but it doesn’t look that way. Thoughts!! His test is the the one on the separate from the other tests in the pictures. They aren’t in order btw