Finally my turn!?!

Ginny • Happily married 💍 Unexplained Infertility complicated with Endometriosis stage 2 x 3 years 🙄 1 sweet angel babe 👼🏻 Rainbow babies finally on the way! 🌈 due August 2021!

After a year and a half of trying; 5 failed rounds of femara, 1 failed month of chlomid, a normal HSC, normal semen analysis, and surgery with an end diagnosis’s of endometriosis I think it’s finally my turn!

Had been feeling off all week; not sleeping, feeling hungry and parched all week, and two days of brown discharge..I decided to take a test knowing it would be negative. Just to put my mind at ease before going to a wedding and probably drinking my emotions of our infertility away.

But...I think it’s positive!

Didn’t even take a minute to show two lines! Period isn’t due for 5 days!

Prayers for a healthy pregnancy please! We’ve been waiting for this day for so long!