Lazy boob?!?


How do you increase one boobs milk production without decreasing supply of the other? My left makes so much more than my right. I EBF, but have started to pump to create a stash for when I go back to work. I currently pump just once a day in the morning. I've got a nursing/pumping bra, so I pump the side my son is not nursing on while he is nursing. My left gave me 3.5 oz in 10 minutes yesterday. My right only gave me 1.5oz in 10 minutes today. If I pump more, my son gets frantic on th boob as if he is not getting enough, same if I pump later in the day. I started eating oatmeal yesterday and I've got some Mother's Milk tea that I'll drink. Also- I'm looking even more lopsided than normal and don't like it.

My son is 3 weeks old today.

Thoughts? Ideas?