Need time to heal- am I doing the right thing?


Hi guys, I needed some advice. Earlier this year I escaped an incredibly toxic and abusive relationship that put me through hell. I know I need time to heal, it’s been 5 months since the break up and a new guy who I’ve known for over two years has popped back up into the picture. He was very honest with me stating that he has feelings for me and I told him straight up I need more time. But I’ve been incredibly stressed about all of it and I don’t want to feel like I’m stringing him along and being “just friends” until I’m ready and have him wait on me like he says he will. I was thinking about being blatantly honest with him and just ending it entirely, but wanted your thoughts. Is this the right thing to do/say? If you got a text like this, would you be understanding?

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I think it sounds great! If he’s not understanding, then he wasn’t meant for you.


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The best part is when you say you owe yourself the time to heal. And yes you do! Too many women on here stay in toxic relationships or rebound too quickly. I highly commend you for being mature and taking care of yourself. You’re doing the right thing, good luck!


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This isn’t an easy thing to do, many people dive into new relationships just to not be alone, so I give you INFINITE credit for realizing you aren’t ready for this. You absolutely do owe yourself time to heal before you can be a good partner to anyone, and that’s hard to accept sometimes. I learned that the day you wake up feeling totally 100% happy and comfortable with being who you are on your own, you can start thinking about being with someone else. Because by then you’ll no longer be looking for someone to “fix” anything for you. You’ll have fixed it on your own, and you’ll know that you’re strong enough to do so. Good for you. I think you worded this perfectly.


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It makes you so much stronger to say all of those feelings. Well done you! And if he has any problems with this, he isn’t the right man for you. Congratulations on getting out the bad relationship and truly trying to love yourself. Good luck x