My beautiful baby girl is finally here!


So my birth story wasn’t anything I had wanted, but at the end of it all, I’m beyond happy that I finally have my baby girl ❤️

I had originally gone for a growth scan on June 25th at 35 weeks. I was consistently measuring 2 weeks ahead and one of my midwives wanted to confirm that it wasn’t due to excess fluid. She was also concerned that baby might be breech. At my scan, they told me that she was just a big baby (already 7 lbs!) and that she was head down, so not to expect to have to schedule a c-section or an early induction as they don’t do that just because the baby is large, unless they are over 10 lbs. My husband and I were so relieved as this wasn’t what we wanted, but would do whatever we needed to make sure baby arrived safely. Fast forward to my 39 week appointment, the Dr was concerned that I was still measuring ahead and I hadn’t made any progress when she checked my cervix. She said that we would schedule an induction for 8/5 (exactly 41 weeks) if she didn’t decide to come on her own. I told her I was fine with this, but asked about what that meant for her size, as they had told me they generally gain half a pound a week after my 35 week scan, which would put her roughly at 10 lbs. she told me we should do another scan because I am on the smaller side and she was concerned about the increased risk of shoulder Dystocia. On Monday (baby’s due date) we went in for a scan thinking she would probably be at or just under the 10 lb mark. Well, none of us were prepared to discover that she was roughly 11 lbs! We were all so shocked and the tech told me to expect a call from the Dr to discuss our options. When I finally heard from them, we weighed the pros and cons for attempting vaginal or opting for the c- section. After talking it over with my husband, we opted for the c-section and scheduled it for Wednesday morning. Ladies, I really wish I had done more research on c-sections. Honestly, everything went smoothly and we are both doing well, however, I wasn’t prepared for the recovery. I feel like I haven’t been able to care for my baby, my family, or myself these past few days. I panicked in the operating room because I wasn’t prepared for it mentally. I am happy that my baby girl came out absolutely perfect, but had I done more research, or known the right questions to ask, I probably would have opted for the induction. When they performed the surgery, they told us she had no intention on coming out yet, as she wasn’t engaged, was floating around happily, sunny side up. Well apparently she’s just a content girl because she has been perfect since she arrived. She barely cries and just hangs out. She eats like a champ and loves to be cuddled. I am so in love 😍😍❤️❤️❤️

Sloane Everly born 7/31/19 at 8:13 am 9 lbs 9 oz 21 inches ❤️❤️❤️❤️