A drama series about women TTC


Does anyone think that a drama series (similar to This Is Us and parenthood) that documents women going through a TTC journey and an infertility journey would make it on TV? It would be about a group of women intertwined by their frequent OB/GYN visits, and it would show their back stories like when they found out they needed help to conceive a child, the financial aspect of trying to conceive (buying OPKs, the dr visits and copays, the special foods you have to buy, the prenatal vitamins, the medicine to help you ovulate) and also how stress can affect you, the jealousy that comes with other women’s pregnancy announcements, baby showers, and how heart broken you can get when you pee on that stick and it’s negative ever single month. Also how extremely important a support system is while you’re TTC. And What it’s like to deal with a miscarriage, chemical pregnancies, false hope, and how your body can trick you into thinking your pregnant. It would just cover all the basis of infertility and the ugly side of it. The side that a portion of women will never have to experience. I just think it could raise awareness of how upsetting it can be when the one thing only our (women) bodies can do and it just won’t do it. I think men and women alike would start to understand our infertility struggles even more.

What do you guys think? Would this be a show you’d watch? And did any of it make sense? Be brutally honest.

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