Breastmilk upsetting baby but formula he does well on?


I exclusively pump and supplement with formula.. My baby is 1 month old.

(basically he gets half and half I got really sick a couple weeks ago and my supply dropped drastically and I havent been able to get it up).

He lately has been SO FUSSY. He wasn't like this before. The last couple days when giving him my breast milk he will take forever to drink it and will be crying on and off while drinking it. I once thought it was the nipple and changed it like 3 times. Yesterday I gave up and gave him formula. He immediately ate 4 ounces and fell asleep all good. At night gave him breast milk and once again fussy fussy fussy. Didnt go to sleep til like 2.

Today, fussy again today when I start giving him the breastmilk Ive pumped. Been on this one bottle with 2 ounces in it for well over an hour. Just switched to a bottle of formula and he drank an ounce and BAM fell asleep finally and is content.

Could something be irritating him with my breastmilk? Nothing has changed in my diet other than taking fenugreek (hoping to up my supply) but I've been taking it for well over a week now.

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Posted at
If he does well on formula then do formula or do half and half.But if he gets fussy and upset from breastmilk then I wouldn't see a point of continuing even though its "better" but fed is bed, contient is next.Discuss with the PED..But I'd just do formula to not upset him anymore. Not good for him


Mo • Aug 4, 2019
But I reccomend just do formula. .


Posted at
Some babies dont respond well to the lapise that is in breastmilk. You could try to scald you milk first (instructions on google), but if that doesnt work, your little one may do better on formula. I fought this for months with my little one because we were not sure if it was the type of formula or the breastmilk itself that was upsetting her so much. I finally cut out breastmilk and found a formula she did well on and she is now so much happier and eating more. Trust me, i feel your pain for wanting to include breastmilk but to me, i decided putting my baby through the fussiness and upset tummy just wasnt worth it anymore.


Angela • Aug 4, 2019
Lapase (not lapise)... spelled it wrong :/