Pregnant and absolutely terrified

Julie • Pregnant with our rainbow baby! 🤰🏻🌈🥰

My husband and I were not expecting to get pregnant. We tried for almost 2 years and decided to give up because it just wasn’t happening. We figured the baby will come when the time is right. Fast forward to now, when we found out we were so very excited...Until we told my in-laws. My father in law got FURIOUS. He kept saying we are irresponsible, throwing f-bombs and yelling fuck you over and over. Saying we didn’t have a right to do this and this is our mistake. He made us feel as if we were teenagers acting recklessly. Making me feel ashamed of my pregnancy.

My husband and I have only been married for 8 months but have known each other for over 3 years. (I’m 24 and he’s 23.)

I have EXTREME anxiety and depression, so I am off of all of my medications since finding out about the pregnancy. My husbands father blowing up threw me over the edge. I am constantly having panic attacks so bad I hyperventilate. Crying so hard I give myself headaches. Worrying about our future terrifies me.

I am currently unemployed because of my anxiety; I was starting to get back on track and I made a resume and started looking for jobs again. I understand why my father in law may have some concerns because I currently don’t have a job. (I have an inheritance that is helping pay our bills) But being that upset about the pregnancy isn’t going to change the outcome. I haven’t spoken with him since he blew up.

Yes this may not be the ideal time to have a baby right now, but I believe things happen for a reason. For some reason the universe wanted us to have a baby now during some struggles. I want to be able to be happy about my pregnancy; but my father in law absolutely crushed me. How do I get that excitement back, and ease the constant panic attacks about our future?