Idk what to call these anymore

Like this isn’t even a panic attack.

I’m trying to go to sleep (currently almost 2am) but I can’t because each time I try to, it’s like my brain doesn’t get enough oxygen and I start getting very dizzy and feel like I’m going to pass out and that I can’t catch a breath. Then I sit up and take deep breaths and it’s fine. But it’s a conscious effort to take deep breaths or I get dizzy if it’s my normal breathing.

During the day I’m perfectly fine, even when I take naps during the day. But at night is when this happens the most. So idk if I just freak myself out (this has to be at least partly true) or what. I’ve gone to the doctor about this stuff and they were suppose to give me anxiety med but it’s been 3 weeks and I got nothing sooo that’s great. I’ve never had this problem up until 3- 4 weeks ago. It’s not every night, it’s super random. At least I can’t find a pattern yet. I just want to sleep but can’t. I get grumpy and have to take naps during the day to make up for it.

Also, I was really shaky and dizzy a few hours ago so I got some water, hot chocolate, and half a piece of pizza to see if it helped. Pizza made me feel sick, hot chocolate always helps me fall asleep at night , and the water helped a bit but might of drank too much cuz I feel sick. Also this phone lightings making me head hurt ugh