Bad Boyfriend/Terrible Daddy
Okay so I’m in a sticky situation with my SO. Idk I’m really just looking for advice, no judgment please, I’m not sure what to do anymore honestly. So when my boyfriend and I first started dating he was amazing and all about my daughter and such a gentleman and so sweet. I found out I was pregnant and he freaked out saying he was never meant to be a dad but he was gonna try the best he could. My whole pregnancy he made me soooo miserable always fighting always accusing me of cheating for absolutely NO reason and always threatening to leave me. Both my jobs fired me for being a pregnancy liability. Yes, it’s illegal but if you contact an attorney they’ll tell you it’s damn near impossible to prove that’s why. Well he told me that would be fine he didn’t want me to be working anyways! He works off on the road and makes a very good amount of money. Well his mother and family are holier than holy and started telling him I’m only with him for his money. Etc etc. so he started treating me as such. His mom told him constantly when we were together that he should just break up with me he wasn’t ready for this. He’s a huge moms boy like he doesn’t know how to write a check his mom does it all for him. He lived with his mom his moms husband his sister and his sisters 2 kids, to save more money than he already has. He never bought anything for our son. He got some stuff from his sister. He talked about my weight my whole pregnancy he would say the baby weighs 4.2 pounds where did the rat of the weight come from. He would do this in public in front of his friends anywhere. I tried to hold on hope things would get better. When our son was born he was amazing he was gone most of my pregnancy so I was so glad for him to have made it. But less than 24 hours later he was asking if our son was for sure his. Keep in mind he was gone a lot while I was pregnant and I had to snap chat him videos of every closet and every room in the house. And I was paying all the bills at the house we were staying in up until I was 8 months pregnant when he decided to get a 3 bedroom finally. He paid rent and I paid the bills up until I ran out of saving a month after our son was born. I bought every single thing our son has besides what my family and friends bought and his sister gave us her old car seat. His mom is passive aggressive and would invite us over for supper and have his plate fixed because she literally waits on him hand and foot while he yells and cussed at her when she frustrates him which is easy to do but anyways she’d invite us over and there wouldn’t even be enough food for my 2 year old to eat. So id give her what was left and I would just wait til we got home. Fast forward to now that our son is born I stay at home with both the kids, I’m out of savings, he is in his off season of work. He took off early to be here for our son. But honestly I don’t even know why he bothered. He’s never changed a single diaper. He doesn’t like it when our son slobbers or spits up. He is OFF work and says since I stay home with the kids it’s my job to do the house and everything that comes with the kids. He leaves early in the morning unless he sleeps in to go fishing or hang out comes home in Time for supper and usually leaves again. He’s very mean to me and short tempered with my daughter we constantly fight over how he reacts to anything my 2 year old does he argues with her like a child. He stays out now fishing the nights he goes out until anywhere from2-4 am. He has never given our son a bath. He might spend a TOTAL of 30 mins a week with him. If our son cries he bounces his head on his arm while holding him saying it makes him be quiet or intentionally blows air in his face or yells in his face. I can’t leave him alone with our son. But I know if I leave him his mother and sister are too scared to upset him to protect my son. So I sincerely don’t know what to do. I’m still wearing the same 2 pairs of maternity pants I wore my whole pregnancy and old t shirts my family gave me. While he goes buys a brand new bow for $600 and then buys all the extras an that’s perfectly fine but me wanting clothes that actually fit is unnecessary. I just don’t understand how I got myself into this mess. I never would have thought I’d allow someone to treat me this way. And I want to protect my daughter from him but at the same time j can protect her living with him but if I leave I’m sincerely fearful for my sons safety. I’m fine with him visiting whenever he wants if we broke up but all his mom keeps telling him is if we aren’t together he needs to take me to court. Soooo.... help advice.... anything would be appreciated. Please don’t bash me. I know I’m in a messed up situation I don’t need anyone else beating me down.
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.